Monday 5 August 2013

To Dine With Death

To Dine With Death

When rich and powerful financier Max Freeman (Stewart) loses his beloved wife in a freak bread-toasting competition, he becomes estranged and wild and is soon admitted into hospital after a series of strange behavioural displays.  Locked up, his mental health continues to deteriorate until by chance he meets fellow nutter Latisha (Bullock), a daemon worshiper who suggests that by striking a 'blood bond' with Death (Lee) and by offering a fleshy sacrifice, he might be able to bring his wife back from the dead.

Convinced in the possibility of resurrection, Max begins reading from The Tome of The Dead, an ancient and demonic book used by Pagan witches, in an attempt to resurrect his wife.  Unfortunately he fails, but through his carelessness he opens a gateway into hell.

Panicking, he instantly regrets what he's done and slams the book shut trying to close the gate, but it's too late.  Death silently creeps up behind him, closes the book gently with his boney hand and stands silently… waiting… silently…

Little does Max know that the flesh he had offered… was HIS OWN!

From the production house that brought you 'Clackers' and 'Blood Puppet' comes a terrifying new story that will make your blood scream!

The only question is; are YOU ready TO DINE WITH DEATH?

© 2013 MooseFoot Films

Radioactive Eiffel Spiders

Friday 2 August 2013



John Doe was a regular guy, he had a good job, a nice house, loving children… he even went to church on a Sunday.  Things were going good, but no one knew he was tired, tired of being everyone's God-damn punchbag!  His boss was always taking credit for his work, his friends were always lending money and never paying it back, he was the world's shoulder to cry on and he was sick of it! But what can he do? Well…

One night whilst clearing out the attic of his recently deceased grandma, he came across a old box of Kellogg's Rice Crispies. Depressed and desperate to feed his crispy cravings he tore open the box to find something disappointingly inedible… something fortified with more than just vitamins… something unholy.

Clack… clack… clack…

He reached inside and felt something icy cold…


He knew he held something dark and dangerous in his hand.  He removed it from the box. 


With the clackers from hell gripped firmly in his hand he now knew what he had to do. Seeking revenge on all who looked down on him was the only way forward now.

From the production house that brought you Radio Active Eiffel Spiders and Blood Puppet come a terrifying new story which will make your eyeballs burst!

You better run fast… The balls are coming for you. Don’t look back, if you hear the clack!

Blood Puppet